Saturday, 9 April 2011

Number 1

With just three weeks until the first event it's time to get this going!

The first official run of 12 in 12 is the Eugene Half Marathon, May 1st in Eugene Oregon (where else would the Eugene half marathon be?). A good group from the Alma Running Room is heading to Eugene this year, most to run the marathon (including my husband, Dave, who is running his first marathon). A few of us will be running the half and then cheering on the marathoners as they finish at historic Hayward Field. The Eugene marathon has a number of associated charities, the main one being the American Cancer Society. Keeping things closer to home April is daffodil month and you can wear a daffodil pin in support of the Canadian Cancer Society.

Training is going well for this event, after a minor set back with a misdiagnosed stress fracture in my foot I am back on the road and was quite happy with being able to complete the Fool's run a week ago. This weekend is an 18 km run, circumnavigating North Delta, which I'll be doing on my own on Saturday so that I can support the marathoners, with a water/treat station, on their 35 km run from 4th and Alma to Deep Cove on Sunday.

On the Ed.D. front the last required course is complete and I am currently working on developing a reading list for a directed readings course this summer. I'm going to spend my summer becoming an expert on advocacy coalition theory and on  issues surrounding tenure, rank and promotion.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Here we go....

Classes are over, final exams are next week and then I won't be back in the classroom until September 2012. I'm taking an educational leave for the next year to get a good chunk of my dissertation written and thought it might be "fun" to set a physical challenge to go with the the intellectual challenge - run 12 half marathons in 12 months.

When I mentioned this idea someone suggested tying in some fund-raising with this, so I'll try to promote the designated charities for the events I do.

I'm happy to have company, I'll post the events I plan on doing as I identify them, and would love to hear about your favorite races. Here's what I have so far:

#0 - April 3rd, 2011 Fool's Run Gibsons to Davis Bay, BC - this was the warm up or prequel run.
#1 - May 1st, 2011 Eugene Half Marathon
#1.5 - May 29th, Half Corked Marathon, Olivir, BC
#2 - June 4th, 2011 Whistler inaugural half marathon

#3 - July 10th, 2011 Fueled by Fine Wine, Dundee Oregon
#4 - August ???
#5 - September ???
#6 - October either Victoria, BC or San Francisco Nike Women's
#7 - November, Boundary Bay half marathon
#8 - December 4th, 2011 - Las Vegas Rock n Roll half marathon - run the strip at night!
#9 - January 2012???
#10 - February 2012 - Vancouver 1st half (if I can conquer the registration system)
#11 - March 2012 - ???
#12 - April 2012 finish where I started with the Fool's run in Gibsons, BC