Sunday, 12 February 2012

Number 10

Today was the Vancouver First Half Marathon - one of the most popular Vancouver races it always sells out, and lately it has been selling out in hours. Traditionally this is the first half marathon to be run in Vancouver in the year and has a lovely course that starts with a loop around BC Place stadium (or whatever it's called these days) and then off to Stanley Park for a loop around the park, the dreaded loop around Lost Lagoon and the final stretch to the finish line at Pacific and Drake. Its a flat course (one slope and two little hills) and you get to run the entire sea wall which is unusual for a race (hence the low race cap and the popularity). Pacific Road Runners puts on this race and they always do a great job - lots of volunteers everywhere on the course - I particularly appreciated the ones around the bridge and Siwash rock making sure I didn't fall off the sea wall :) My only complaint with the race organization is the shirts! Mizuno has been a sponsor for the last 3 years and their race shirts leave a little to be desired. See the pics below for the difference between the first 1st half shirt I got in 2008 and the one from this year, I can' hardly fit this year's one over my head (and my head isn't that big). 
Exhibit A - 2008 New Balance shirt, super soft, limited sponsor ads, I wear this all the time!
Exhibit B - 2012 Mizuno shirt, lots of sponsor ads, very thin, extremely small neck opening, headed for the donation pile!

Lots of Alma runners were out there today, this was the goal race for Nicole's half clinic and many clinic participants made it to their goal! Congrats to: Dave (another PB), Nicole, Christine, Troy, Susan, Andy, Glenda, Sandra, Dorothy, Karen, Julie, Bob, Phil, Bette, Anna, Jennifer, Susan, and me (and sorry to everyone I missed). Thanks to the cheering squads, Kerri, Dwayne, Harvey and every person out there who cheered on their friends, family and lots and lots of total strangers.
This wasn't my best race, but then again it wasn't my worst, 2:18:31. I'm happy :) I've been feeling like I've been coming down with something for the last few days, felt rather flushed for the first few miles. I'm also struggling with a niggling ankle/achilles issue - have to get that fixed. This also included an emergency pit stop at second beach (easily 2 minutes right there). Started out too quick (trying to keep up to Nicole), happy with my pace up to about mile 10 when I really slowed down (where was Ken when I needed him). I really need to work on the mental aspect of these races and push myself those last few miles.

Only two more events to go! Three weeks will see us in Phoenix, Arizona running the inaugural Phoenix half marathon. Can't wait - should be a fun weekend with spring training baseball, a Phoenix Suns game and oh yes a net downhill half marathon :)
My final event will be the Fool's Run from Gibsons to Davis Bay, April 1st on the Sunshine Coast - please join me for the celebration!
Me and my running twin :)