Thought it might be time for an update on how the 12 halfs are going.
It's been a nice break between events this time, with my September one not until the 25th. In the meantime I've been trying to focus on the other aspect of this adventure (my doctorate) as well as continuing to incorporate Michael's diabetes into our lives.
Michael is back to school, and adapting well. Our school, Gray Elementary, has been wonderful. They have a couple other kids with diabetes within the school and are well versed with the potential issues for kids with diabetes. It is great that the school has been proactive and I feel confident that should an emergency arise they will know what to do. It also helps being off this year and knowing that most of the time I am only 10 minutes away. Michael has also started back with his swim club, first practice this week went well, both in terms of blood glucose levels and swimming :) Michael was thrilled that he was the fastest in his group on Monday, and is looking forward to seeing how his times come down at the first PASS meet of the year in October.
I am spending this week getting myself organized for comprehensive exams. Comps are one of the major hurdles to get over in doing a doctorate. In my program they consist of two major papers which will ultimately form the basis of two dissertation chapters. My questions will be emailed to me Friday morning and then I have two weeks to complete two 20 page academic papers. I already know the topic areas so I've been able to collect background materials (haven't read it all yet), and get things organized and ready to go. The next two weeks will be a lot of work but then a short break to recover and I'll be good to go moving forward with research.
On the running front, well I'm not running as much as I'd like :(
So I won't be expecting any PB's anytime soon :)
September's event is the Bellingham Bay half, looks to be a nice course with a beautiful finishing medal and shirt. Dave and I will be driving down for the day, this will be a good taper run for Dave in anticipation of the Victoria marathon a couple weeks later.
October will be Victoria, I'll be running the half and Dave will be running the full, his training has been going very well so I'm sure he'll have a successful run. I'll be out there enjoying the beautiful scenery and since the half starts well before the full marathon I'll be finished in lots of time to cheer on the Alma marathoners!
November has been a tough decision, the new Whistler 50 relay is the same weekend as the Boundary Bay half so that one is out, there are two other halfs in Vancouver the Fall Classic and a new one the Ginger Jar half both of which are double loops (ugh), another option is a new race in Victoria, the Bear Mountain half. The Bear Mountain 10 km race advertises itself as North America's hardest 10 km, due to the three hills nicknamed Baby Bear, Mama Bear and Papa Bear. This year they are adding a half marathon course (not a double loop). This could be a fun event and may turn into a girls weekend :)
That's it for now, I'll be back in a couple weeks with a race report and comp report, until then happy running and happy studying!
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